ANALYSIS: Scientific support for carbon removals has its limits

Published 23:28 on April 6, 2022  /  Last updated at 01:58 on April 7, 2022  / /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Australia, Canada, China, Climate Talks, EMEA, International, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Nature-based, New Zealand, Other APAC, South & Central, South Korea, Switzerland, US, Voluntary

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s pathways to maintaining a liveable planet rely on carbon removals, but the experts' caution on how these technical and nature-based methods should be deployed suggest that governments are unlikely to give untrammelled backing.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s pathways to maintaining a liveable planet rely on carbon removals, but the experts' caution on how these technical and nature-based methods should be deployed suggest that governments are unlikely to give untrammelled backing.

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