Carbon Pulse is an online B2B service dedicated to providing in-depth news and intelligence about carbon pricing initiatives, climate change and net zero policies, and emerging biodiversity markets around the world.
Our coverage focuses mainly on carbon markets and other methods of using taxes and market-based mechanisms to cut greenhouse gas output. We have a strong track record of breaking key stories, which often move markets and inform policy development worldwide. Read more about us and our staff.
We offer:
Unrivalled news – Our experienced team of about 30 journalists taps a vast number of primary and secondary sources to report accurate and often exclusive news, cross-referencing it with international media coverage to provide insightful information in an intelligent context.
To the point – We delve deeper into the key issues to provide critical insights. And while we aim to write in plain English, our content omits unnecessary language and explanatory paragraphs, saving time for our professional readership by using familiar acronyms, abbreviations, and other jargon.
Market reports and prices – We look at the main carbon markets’ inner workings, providing comprehensive and timely daily and weekly reports that delve into what is moving prices and why.
Data Dive – A new data journalism offering from Carbon Pulse. Data Dive delves deeper into larger data sets to analyse the figures, identify the trends, and employ helpful visualisations that together deliver compelling and insightful news for our subscribers. Check it out here.
Information resources – We also offer a voluntary carbon market data portal, carbon project and ratings database, international carbon deal tracker, NDC tracker, and ‘Dossiers’ on emissions trading systems (ETSs) worldwide, developed in partnership with the International Climate Action Partnership (ICAP).
Email alerts – Carbon Pulse subscribers are the first to know when we’ve published an important story, receiving a CP Alert email as soon as it’s published.
Daily newsletter – CP Daily is a free newsletter featuring our latest 30+ articles plus updates from third-party content, expertly curated through the monitoring of thousands of news, data, and social media sources. CP Daily is available to non-subscribers. We also offer a free twice-weekly summary of our nature and biodiversity coverage (sign up here).
An annual subscription to Carbon Pulse offers professionals unrivalled news and intelligence featuring expert insight.
Prices are available upon request, with large discounts available for multi-user subscription packages and some types of users including airlines, small industrial firms, academia, non-profits, and organisations in LDCs and other non-Annex I countries. Contact us at to inquire.
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