INTERVIEW: New global finance goal must drill down on who pays, where it goes, and how it’s tracked

Published 17:29 on April 1, 2024  /  Last updated at 17:29 on April 1, 2024  / /  Africa, Carbon Taxes, CBAM, Climate Talks, EMEA, EU ETS, International, Nature-based, Voluntary

The new global climate finance goal will have to drill down on details such as where the money comes from, where it is allocated, how it is monitored and verified, and, ideally, how to bolster integrity of carbon markets, according to a senior international climate finance official. 
The new global climate finance goal will have to drill down on details such as where the money comes from, where it is allocated, how it is monitored and verified, and, ideally, how to bolster integrity of carbon markets, according to a senior international climate finance official. 

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