Canadian provinces, Ottawa square off on federal CO2 pricing system in Supreme Court

Published 23:17 on September 22, 2020  /  Last updated at 00:00 on September 24, 2020  / Matthew Lithgow /  Americas, Canada, Carbon Taxes

Three conservative-led Canadian provinces argued before the country’s highest court on Tuesday that the federal government lacks Constitutional authority to impose its ‘backstop’ CO2 levy and output-based pricing system (OBPS) on recalcitrant jurisdictions, while Ottawa and British Columbia contended that climate change is a matter of national concern that necessitates minimum national standards of GHG pricing.
Three conservative-led Canadian provinces argued before the country’s highest court on Tuesday that the federal government lacks Constitutional authority to impose its ‘backstop’ CO2 levy and output-based pricing system (OBPS) on recalcitrant jurisdictions, while Ottawa and British Columbia contended that climate change is a matter of national concern that necessitates minimum national standards of GHG pricing.

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