Regulatory frameworks need to evolve for CCS to have key decarbonising role, study says

Published 08:12 on December 21, 2022  /  Last updated at 08:12 on December 21, 2022  / /  Asia Pacific, EMEA, International

The emergence of CCUS as an effective technology to mitigate climate change will require the regular revising of laws at both the national and international level to regulate issues such as the transport and storage of CO2, the formation of hubs and clusters, and a viable insurance system for the sector, a study has found.
The emergence of CCUS as an effective technology to mitigate climate change will require the regular revising of laws at both the national and international level to regulate issues such as the transport and storage of CO2, the formation of hubs and clusters, and a viable insurance system for the sector, a study has found.

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