Euro Markets: Carbon tracks gas gyrations, ends modestly firmer as funds cut length for third week

Published 17:18 on March 5, 2025  /  Last updated at 22:05 on March 5, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS, UK ETS

European carbon prices enjoyed a healthy boost from a strengthening gas market on Wednesday morning, but gave up almost all their gains in a choppy afternoon as natural gas also unwound steep increases to close 4.5% down on the day, after the European Commission announced its intention to soften gas storage mandate rules.
European carbon prices enjoyed a healthy boost from a strengthening gas market on Wednesday morning, but gave up almost all their gains in a choppy afternoon as natural gas also unwound steep increases to close 4.5% down on the day, after the European Commission announced its intention to soften gas storage mandate rules.

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