BRIEFING: Indigenous Colombians navigate public courts, private carbon contracts to chart path in the voluntary market

Published 02:30 on June 28, 2024  /  Last updated at 02:30 on June 28, 2024  / Alejandra Padin-Dujon /  Americas, International, Nature-based, South & Central, Voluntary

Self-determination lies at the crux of the relationships Indigenous Colombians hold with both public and private stakeholders in the voluntary carbon market (VCM), Carbon Pulse heard at the Latin America Climate Summit in Cartagena this week, as communities variously seek recourse in courts to curb rights violations and open collective land allotments to project proponents to finance conservation and development.
Self-determination lies at the crux of the relationships Indigenous Colombians hold with both public and private stakeholders in the voluntary carbon market (VCM), Carbon Pulse heard at the Latin America Climate Summit in Cartagena this week, as communities variously seek recourse in courts to curb rights violations and open collective land allotments to project proponents to finance conservation and development.

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