EU maintains strong carbon removals position in Article 6 call for input

Published 22:09 on May 17, 2024  /  Last updated at 22:09 on May 17, 2024  / Roy Manuell /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Climate Talks, EMEA, International, Paris Article 6

The EU has said it struggles to see "a sufficiently clear direction for further work" in a response to a call for input on Article 6.4 removals crediting guidance under the Paris Agreement, with a wide range of starkly different positions also submitted by other entities highlighting the difficulties ahead of COP29 with finding consensus on key methodological matters.
The EU has said it struggles to see "a sufficiently clear direction for further work" in a response to a call for input on Article 6.4 removals crediting guidance under the Paris Agreement, with a wide range of starkly different positions also submitted by other entities highlighting the difficulties ahead of COP29 with finding consensus on key methodological matters.

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