VCM Report: Deepening economic gloom weighs on prices

Published 19:30 on October 3, 2022  /  Last updated at 01:46 on October 27, 2022  / /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Australia, Canada, China, EMEA, International, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Nature-based, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, US, Voluntary

Standard nature-based spot and nearby futures continued to slip lower over the past week, battered by the deepening economic gloom and headlines warning of sharply higher interest rates, although fresher vintages held steadier as large volume sellers shied away from the market.
Standard nature-based spot and nearby futures continued to slip lower over the past week, battered by the deepening economic gloom and headlines warning of sharply higher interest rates, although fresher vintages held steadier as large volume sellers shied away from the market.

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