INTERVIEW: Startup reforestation company eyes lucrative ITMO market between Ghana and Singapore

Published 12:43 on October 3, 2023  /  Last updated at 12:43 on October 3, 2023  / Paddy Gourlay /  Africa, Asia Pacific, Carbon Taxes, EMEA, International, Nature-based, Paris Article 6, Switzerland, Voluntary

A startup reforestation company with plots in Ghana has estimated that its breakeven costs could be as low as $6 per credit, as it eyes the potentially lucrative market for buyers of correspondingly adjusted ITMO credits in Singapore, while the African nation continues to advance its work to export units. 
A startup reforestation company with plots in Ghana has estimated that its breakeven costs could be as low as $6 per credit, as it eyes the potentially lucrative market for buyers of correspondingly adjusted ITMO credits in Singapore, while the African nation continues to advance its work to export units. 

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