US EPA weakens emissions standards in final light- and medium-duty vehicle regulations

Published 01:13 on March 21, 2024  /  Last updated at 04:35 on March 21, 2024  / Allison Gacad /  Americas, US

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday announced its emissions standards for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles effective as of model year 2027, seeing weakened targets relative to its first proposal, but still anticipated to avoid 7.2 billion tonnes of CO2 through 2055.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday announced its emissions standards for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles effective as of model year 2027, seeing weakened targets relative to its first proposal, but still anticipated to avoid 7.2 billion tonnes of CO2 through 2055.

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