VCM Report: Thin trade dampens voluntary carbon spirits in dry June, but signs of ARR, CDR markets hotting up

Published 17:17 on June 24, 2024  /  Last updated at 17:17 on June 24, 2024  / Paddy Gourlay /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Aviation/CORSIA, EMEA, International, Nature-based, Voluntary

The summer drought extended for another week in the voluntary carbon market, leaving one major exchange and several participants describing activity levels as torporific, although there was a bounce in Phase 1 CORSIA price assessments and continued interest in the carbon removals (CDR) sector.
The summer drought extended for another week in the voluntary carbon market, leaving one major exchange and several participants describing activity levels as torporific, although there was a bounce in Phase 1 CORSIA price assessments and continued interest in the carbon removals (CDR) sector.

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