High retirements of carbon credits in January shrinks oversupply for second month in a row

Published 13:24 on February 1, 2024  /  Last updated at 13:57 on February 1, 2024  / /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Australia, Aviation/CORSIA, Canada, EMEA, International, Japan, Kyoto Mechanisms, Mexico, Middle East, Nature-based, South & Central, South Korea, Switzerland, US, Voluntary

Retirements of carbon credits from the four largest voluntary carbon registries topped 20 million and outstripped issuances in January, although momentum slowed from the surprisingly high level of retirements in December, data from the Carbon Pulse VCM Portal shows.
Retirements of carbon credits from the four largest voluntary carbon registries topped 20 million and outstripped issuances in January, although momentum slowed from the surprisingly high level of retirements in December, data from the Carbon Pulse VCM Portal shows.

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