VCM Report: Offset prices rise sharply as liquidity picks up

Published 20:06 on August 22, 2022  /  Last updated at 20:50 on August 22, 2022  / /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Australia, Aviation/CORSIA, Canada, China, EMEA, International, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Nature-based, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, US, Voluntary

The recovery in voluntary carbon market prices accelerated over the past week in the tailwind of the US Inflation Reduction Act that will shower £430 billion on an assortment of climate change measures, healthcare policies, and tax credits on the world’s largest economy.
The recovery in voluntary carbon market prices accelerated over the past week in the tailwind of the US Inflation Reduction Act that will shower £430 billion on an assortment of climate change measures, healthcare policies, and tax credits on the world’s largest economy.

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