Verra-approved dynamic baseline forestry methodology aims to deflate hot air criticism

Published 19:00 on August 16, 2022  /  Last updated at 19:06 on August 16, 2022  / /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Australia, Canada, China, EMEA, International, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Nature-based, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, UK ETS, US, Voluntary

Thousands of owners of small forestry plots in the US could be enrolled into carbon markets with the launch of a dynamic baseline methodology for calculating emissions that could be later rolled out to more than 100 countries globally, and help end the criticism of hot air, its proponents claim.
Thousands of owners of small forestry plots in the US could be enrolled into carbon markets with the launch of a dynamic baseline methodology for calculating emissions that could be later rolled out to more than 100 countries globally, and help end the criticism of hot air, its proponents claim.

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