COMMENT: What does the current price of EUAs actually represent?

Published 23:59 on September 8, 2021  /  Last updated at 09:24 on September 9, 2021  / /  Bavardage, Contributed Content, EMEA, EU ETS, Other Content, UK ETS

Despite all the excitement around EUA prices topping €60 for the first time and moving on to a new record above €63.19 this week, let’s remember that coal-fired power generation is actually more profitable in the near term than natural gas. Wait, what? How did *that* happen?
Despite all the excitement around EUA prices topping €60 for the first time and moving on to a new record above €63.19 this week, let’s remember that coal-fired power generation is actually more profitable in the near term than natural gas. Wait, what? How did *that* happen?

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