Japan plans 26% emission cut -media

Published 03:24 on April 27, 2015  /  Last updated at 03:24 on April 27, 2015  / /  Asia Pacific, Climate Talks, Japan

Japan’s government plans to set a 2030 CO2 reduction target of 26% below 2013 levels, local media reported, slightly higher than previous reports of 20% and 25%.

Japan’s government plans to set a 2030 CO2 reduction target of 26% below 2013 levels, local media reported, slightly higher than previous reports of 20% and 25%.

Government-appointed expert panels will hammer out a plan for how to achieve the target, media said over the weekend.

A cut of 26% from 2013 levels is equal to 25.4% from 2005.

The target is designed to be similar to that of the United States, which has pledged to cut emissions 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2030.

Japan is expected to submit its final INDC to the UN in June.


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