VCM Report: CCP-tagged voluntary carbon credits fail to ignite market, hopes pinned on slow burn impact

Published 16:45 on June 10, 2024  /  Last updated at 16:45 on June 10, 2024  / Paddy Gourlay /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Aviation/CORSIA, EMEA, International, Middle East, Nature-based, Voluntary

The first voluntary credits tagged with the Core Carbon Principles (CCP) label nudged higher last week, after the ICVCM approved its methodologies, but expectations that the integrity-stamped units would immediately spark demand were snubbed out.
The first voluntary credits tagged with the Core Carbon Principles (CCP) label nudged higher last week, after the ICVCM approved its methodologies, but expectations that the integrity-stamped units would immediately spark demand were snubbed out.

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