Carbon Pulse increases European, voluntary carbon market coverage with new hire
Carbon Pulse is enhancing its coverage of the European and voluntary carbon markets with another new hire.
Read MoreANALYSIS: A potent force – making a market for methane emissions
Methane emissions concentrations in the atmosphere reached all-time highs in 2021 along with most other greenhouse gases, but with limited upstream regulation at oil and gas operations, product labelling and certificate trading are building momentum as an additional way of curbing the potent discharges.
Read MoreNatural capital specialist nabs key UN Article 6 legal expert amid rapid scale-up
Natural capital specialist Climate Asset Management has hired a veteran international carbon market expert as its aim to deploy $1.6 billion of investments worldwide gathers pace.
Read MoreCarbon offset project development ripe for market consolidation -report
Deals struck in 2021 between carbon offset project developers and large financiers highlight the potential for voluntary carbon market supply consolidation, a trend that also risks leaving hundreds of smaller project developers on the sidelines as the industry rushes to fill a projected surge in demand.
Read MoreForest carbon projects are most effective in 50 countries -OECD
Forest carbon project developers should better target their activities to areas that can have the most positive climate impact, according to an OECD report that ranks the best countries for offset projects worldwide.
Read MoreCalifornia offset issuances end year 60% down over 2020 levels
California regulator ARB handed out its final batch of compliance offsets in 2021 this week, with the annual issuance total marking the lowest in seven years as the state’s cap-and-trade programme tightens its credit usage threshold, according to state data published Wednesday.
Read MoreFEATURE: Plugging the EU leak – all eyes on upstream natural gas emissions
Natural gas, touted by some as a gateway fuel to decarbonisation, has increasingly come under fire in the EU for emissions associated with its full production cycle, where the bloc’s cap-and-trade system continues to send incomplete price signals and voluntary carbon markets grapple with the gap.
Read MoreWorld Bank to shed light on gap to net zero-aligned carbon prices
The World Bank is exploring an approach that would provide more clarity on the current state of global carbon prices compared to levels needed to drive emissions to net zero, highlighting the significant gap and providing a benchmark for climate ambition, a virtual session heard Monday.
Read MoreCalifornia offset issuances plumb 6.5-mth low as credits in circulation drop
California regulator ARB this week distributed the fewest number of new compliance offsets since April, as the number of credits in circulation plummeted as the agency accounted for cap-and-trade retirements from 2018-20.
Read MoreWTO boss touts global carbon price cooperation with other international agencies
The director general of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Wednesday reiterated her assertion for developing a global price on carbon, noting burgeoning collaboration on the issue with other international bodies as a way to curb policy fragmentation and trade frictions.
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