Mangrove restoration offers up to 15:1 benefit-cost ratio, researchers estimate
Restoring mangrove forests could generate billions of dollars in economic and climate benefits, with a global benefit-cost ratio (BCR) as high as 15 to 1, according to a new study.
Read MoreKenyan energy company to tender 1.8 mln CDM carbon credits
A Kenyan power company and carbon project developer will tender in February around 1.8 million carbon credits issued last year to geothermal energy projects under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
Read MoreAnalysts expect record voluntary carbon credit retirements in 2025, excluding CORSIA demand boost
A carbon analytics firm has said it expects nearly 200 million tonnes CO2 in voluntary carbon market (VCM) retirements in 2025, with the possibility of substantially more if demand from the UN’s CORSIA international aviation offsetting scheme materialises.
Read MoreClean Cooking Alliance seeks feedback on code of conduct ahead of ICVCM decision
The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) is seeking feedback on a new code of conduct to ensure responsible financing in the sector, as it waits to discover if any carbon crediting methodologies pass the Integrity Council of the Voluntary Carbon Market’s (ICVCM) quality test in the coming months.
Read MoreMadagascar “enthusiastic” about Article 6, plans to develop national registry
Madagascar is keen to get involved with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and is aiming to develop a national registry and standards to start generating credits, the country’s Designated National Authority (DNA) said on Thursday.
Read MoreSouth African exchange sees first trade of voluntary carbon credits
The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has seen the first trades of carbon credits, which are eligible to be used as offsets against the country’s carbon tax, the exchange announced Thursday.
Read MoreEuropean accelerator announces latest funding cohort, includes Kenya DAC developer
A European carbon removal accelerator has announced its latest funding cohort, including a Kenya-focused direct air capture developer, it said Thursday.
Read MoreDurable CDR supplier fall-off on the horizon as few buyers, declining investment take their toll -report
The market for durable CO2 removals (CDR) may see supplier consolidation, bankruptcies, prematurely price-based competition, and even oversupply as few new purchasers enter the market and investments decline, according to a report published Wednesday.
Read MoreColombian developer to market up to 30k biodiversity credits this year
A Colombian developer and asset manager is planning to put on sale up to 30,000 biodiversity credits later this year generated within a marine conservation project in Zanzibar, the company told Carbon Pulse.
Read MoreFEATURE: US aid freeze hits nature programmes as experts grapple with funding dilemma
The US administration’s sudden decision to freeze all foreign assistance programmes is having far-reaching impacts on biodiversity and climate projects worldwide, with some weighing options to bridge the funding gap amid fears that the move could foreshadow a permanent cut to aid for nature conservation.
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