INTERVIEW: Puro to apply for CORSIA eligibility, issue credits from three more voluntary carbon methodologies

Published 15:49 on February 29, 2024  /  Last updated at 10:21 on March 1, 2024  / Rebecca Gualandi /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Aviation/CORSIA, EMEA, EU ETS, International, Paris Article 6, UK ETS, Voluntary

Voluntary carbon removals standard will issue credits under three further methodologies this year and formally apply to have its units approved under the current phase of the UN's CORSIA aviation offsetting scheme, the company’s CEO told Carbon Pulse.
Voluntary carbon removals standard will issue credits under three further methodologies this year and formally apply to have its units approved under the current phase of the UN's CORSIA aviation offsetting scheme, the company’s CEO told Carbon Pulse.

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