VCM Report: Second oil major makes a splash in retirement of voluntary carbon credits
A huge number of African REDD voluntary carbon credits were retired by an oil and gas major last week, but spot activity was thin and trading generally lacklustre as prices kept steady.
Read MoreCompliance markets will bring guardrails, scale to voluntary carbon as the two converge -experts
The regulatory backbone of compliance mechanisms will help to support and scale the voluntary carbon market (VCM) as the two increasingly overlap, with buyers moving away from individual project assessment to rely instead on the oversight of schemes like CORSIA and Article 6 as a benchmark for credit quality, experts told a webinar Wednesday.
Read MoreVCM Report: Integrity drive undermined by large trade in near-worthless voluntary carbon credits
Prices barely moved last week and trade thinned to curtail some early exuberance of a revival of the voluntary carbon market this year after a trough in the second half of 2023, although retirement levels remained healthy.
Read MoreGlobal carbon markets post 2% increase in value in 2023 -analysts
Global carbon markets expanded for a fifth straight year in 2023, though the 2% annual growth rate was significantly slower compared to the prior year, analysts said.
Read MoreGhana on collision course with UN as it presses ahead with cookstoves emissions calculation
Ghana will press ahead with its own calculation for crediting emissions reductions from cookstoves projects by the end of the second quarter, the African country revealed this week, in a move that could clash with UN plans to create a global carbon standard for the thorny issue.
Read MoreGhana expects to finalise first Article 6.2 transfer by Q3
The Ghanaian government plans to deliver its first batch of ITMOs under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement by Q3 2024, according to a report released Thursday.
Read MoreMost shipowners back LNG to meet IMO rules despite methanol hype -report
Shipowners have targeted liquefied natural gas (LNG) as the fuel to meet the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) 2030 climate targets, while methanol, seen as a distant second-place option, has been largely promoted by just one major company, finds a report.
Read MoreTumbling biochar prices tap into growing demand in nascent carbon removals market
Crashing prices have boosted interest in biochar credits in the nascent carbon removal market, although big ticket punts have catapulted direct air capture (DAC) as well as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), into the limelight and skewed emerging drivers of demand, a review of 2023 has revealed.
Read MoreVCM Report: Corporates not waiting for ICVCM’s CCP label to retire carbon credits
News of the Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (ICVCM)’s progress report dominated the voluntary market that, for the second week running, was thin on activity but high on retirement volumes.
Read MoreMore than 900 mln voluntary carbon credits under ICVCM review for high-integrity CCP label
Some 905 million carbon credits could be in line to be awarded the ICVCM’s Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) high-integrity stamp in an initial review of methodologies, the stakeholder initiative revealed to Carbon Pulse.
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