Shell head of voluntary carbon sales joins REDD+ developer

Published 11:21 on March 24, 2025  /  Last updated at 11:21 on March 24, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Bavardage, EMEA, International, Nature-based, Voluntary

The head of oil major Shell’s voluntary carbon offset sales team has joined a REDD+ project developer, they announced Monday.

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Hurdles in applying corresponding adjustments to carbon credits may undermine CORSIA -report

Published 09:41 on March 24, 2025  /  Last updated at 09:41 on March 24, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Aviation/CORSIA, EMEA, International, Paris Article 6, Voluntary

The effectiveness of the CORSIA international aviation offsetting scheme could be limited by implementation challenges such as the structural barriers in applying corresponding adjustments under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, according to a report released over the weekend.

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Emissions and economic growth finally separate, IEA says

Published 09:05 on March 24, 2025  /  Last updated at 09:24 on March 24, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, China, EMEA, International, Other APAC, US

The International Energy Agency (IEA) found a record year for power demand in 2024 even as emissions growth slowed, underlining the fact that after decades, economic and emissions growth are finally and demonstrably decoupling.

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LDC expands carbon project portfolio in decarbonisation push

Published 05:51 on March 24, 2025  /  Last updated at 05:51 on March 24, 2025  /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Australia, Aviation/CORSIA, China, EMEA, EU ETS, International, Mexico, Nature-based, Other APAC, Shipping, South & Central, Voluntary

Commodity merchant Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) has broadened its carbon project portfolio as part of a growing push to decarbonise its operations and supply chains, according to its 2024 Integrated Report.

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EU’s 2040 climate target still due by end of March, followed by NDC in Q2

Published 13:06 on March 22, 2025  /  Last updated at 13:06 on March 22, 2025  / /  Climate Talks, EMEA, EU ETS, International

The European Commission denied reports that its 2040 target proposal could be delayed into the second quarter, rectifying statements from its vice-president Teresa Ribera who suggested in an interview that the initiative would be postponed.

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Major EU political groups commit to maintaining CBAM integrity

Published 00:28 on March 22, 2025  /  Last updated at 00:28 on March 22, 2025  / /  CBAM, EMEA, EU ETS, International

Three of the largest political groups in the European Parliament have pledged to uphold the integrity of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) by limiting legislative changes to the scope proposed by the European Commission last month.

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Ghana’s Article 6 pipeline teeming with projects, expects ITMO transfer by H2

Published 23:00 on March 21, 2025  /  Last updated at 12:16 on March 22, 2025  / /  Africa, EMEA, International, Nature-based, Paris Article 6, South Korea, Switzerland, Voluntary

Ghana has received 70 projects for review in pursuit of eventual authorisation or endorsement, including 45 applications for Article 6 projects with sovereign nations, according to a report published Friday by the country’s Carbon Markets Office (CMO).

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ICVCM took “significant step” towards quality in cookstoves decision, say academics behind critical paper

Published 17:45 on March 21, 2025  /  Last updated at 17:45 on March 21, 2025  / /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, EMEA, International, Voluntary

The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) took a strong step towards cleaning up the cookstoves sector, according to the experts behind a critical research paper that claimed a large share of projects had been heavily over-credited in the past.

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ICAO estimates 100-150 mln carbon credits needed for CORSIA Phase 1

Published 17:01 on March 20, 2025  /  Last updated at 17:01 on March 20, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Aviation/CORSIA, EMEA, International, Voluntary

UN aviation agency ICAO has calculated that CORSIA offsetting requirements for 2024-26 emissions will reach between 100-150 million tonnes, while the total for the 2024-35 period could hit as high as 1.5 bln tonnes.

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BRIEFING: Carbon capture, a costly distraction to some, is the “revolutionary” answer to others

Published 16:49 on March 20, 2025  /  Last updated at 16:49 on March 20, 2025  / /  EMEA, International, Voluntary

Depending on who you ask, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is either a decades-long failure and distraction from real emissions cuts, or the only viable solution for decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors like cement, and petrochemicals.

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