Climate tech company outlines largest US-based forestry project with high-profile buyers

Published 14:29 on May 26, 2021  /  Last updated at 14:29 on May 26, 2021  / /  Americas, EMEA, International, Paris Article 6, US, Voluntary

A climate tech company announced the creation of the largest US-based forest carbon project by acreage on Wednesday, with large corporates and voluntary emissions reduction (VER) procurement firms among the first buyers.

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Virginia industry group pushes back on RGGI auction switch, labels programme an illegal tax

Published 22:56 on May 25, 2021  /  Last updated at 22:54 on June 27, 2021  / /  Americas, US

An industry group claimed Virginia’s revised RGGI regulation failed to adhere to enacting legislation in shifting to state-run auctions, while the finalised cap-and-trade rule should be stuck down as an illegal tax, according to a brief filed this week.

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North Carolina committee to consider RGGI rulemaking petition in June

Published 16:24 on May 25, 2021  /  Last updated at 16:24 on May 25, 2021  / /  Americas, US

North Carolina’s Air Quality Committee (AQC) will consider a petition next month to join the RGGI cap-and-trade programme via regulatory channels, with green groups arguing the proposed rulemaking would help the state reach long-term climate goals.

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US non-profit to fund CO2 removal technology through carbon allowance purchases

Published 22:16 on May 24, 2021  /  Last updated at 16:38 on May 25, 2021  / /  Americas, Canada, US, Voluntary

A new non-profit organisation is aiming to reduce carbon emissions by investing in North American cap-and-trade programmes, with allowance revenues funnelled back into commercialising CO2 removal technologies.

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California gasoline consumption slips in February for second straight month

Published 22:07 on May 24, 2021  /  Last updated at 22:07 on May 24, 2021  / /  Americas, Canada, US

California fuel consumption dropped year-on-year for the second consecutive month in February as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continued to cause a slump in Golden State demand, according to state data released Monday.

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Financial firms’ CCA position nears all-time high as allowances prices soar before Q2 auction

Published 21:52 on May 21, 2021  /  Last updated at 11:50 on June 29, 2021  / /  Americas, Canada, US

Speculators’ California Carbon Allowance (CCA) length surged to near record levels over the past week as prices jumped on the secondary market, while emitters cut their carbon permit holdings just before the Q2 WCI sale, according to US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) data published Friday.

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Green group asks Virginia commissions to reject Dominion’s RGGI rate request

Published 23:21 on May 20, 2021  /  Last updated at 23:21 on May 20, 2021  / /  Americas, US

An environmental group has asked the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) to reject utility Dominion Energy’s proposal to recover RGGI allowance costs due to the lack of a least-cost analysis or a prudent procurement strategy, according to documents filed this week.

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NA Markets: California allowances soar to near all-time highs, RGGI rises on speculator interest

Published 23:04 on May 20, 2021  /  Last updated at 23:04 on May 20, 2021  / /  Americas, Canada, US

California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices rose to near all-time highs this week amid a flurry of speculative activity before the Q2 WCI auction, while RGGI allowances also rose on the secondary market on relatively thin demand.

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Washington legislators mull options after partial vetoes of climate bills, as WCI link uncertain

Published 18:21 on May 19, 2021  /  Last updated at 19:06 on May 19, 2021  / /  Americas, Canada, RINs & LCFS, US

Washington legislators are exploring ways to reverse Governor Jay Inslee’s (D) partial vetoes of their carbon market and low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS) bills, while regulatory experts believe future prospects for a WCI cap-and-trade link could hinge how the final rules are drafted.

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PREVIEW: Speculative-fuelled CCA rises lead traders to foresee large Q2 WCI auction discount

Published 22:57 on May 18, 2021  /  Last updated at 22:57 on May 18, 2021  / /  Americas, Canada, US

Traders anticipate a steep discount to occur at the May 19 quarterly WCI auction, as California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices have surged to near all-time highs on the secondary market this spring amid a wave of speculative interest.

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