COP29: Azerbaijan to push for early Article 6 outcome, faces resistance

Published 11:07 on November 10, 2024  /  Last updated at 12:13 on November 11, 2024  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Climate Talks, EMEA, International, Kyoto Mechanisms, Nature-based, Paris Article 6, Voluntary

The COP29 presidency is pushing for an early endorsement of key carbon crediting standards under Article 6, Carbon Pulse has learned, though is facing resistance from several countries.

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COP29: Brazil announces new UN climate goal, targets 59-67% emissions cut

Published 10:07 on November 10, 2024  /  Last updated at 10:07 on November 10, 2024  / /  Americas, Climate Talks, International, Nature-based, South & Central, Voluntary

COP30 host Brazil has announced a new UN climate plan that aims to reduce net greenhouse gas emission by 59-67% in 2035, compared to 2005 levels.

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COP29: Climate finance negotiations at Baku should address developing nations’ unequal access to capital, experts say

Published 22:40 on November 8, 2024  /  Last updated at 22:40 on November 8, 2024  / /  Climate Talks, International

The next climate finance commitment needs to address structural problems with the global borrowing framework in order to reduce the cost of capital for developing nations looking to attract investment for clean energy and climate adaptation projects, experts said Friday.

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COP29: ‘Watchdog’ EU Parliament delegation heading for Baku

Published 18:39 on November 8, 2024  /  Last updated at 18:39 on November 8, 2024  / /  Climate Talks, EMEA, International

The European Parliament is sending a delegation of 15 lawmakers to the COP29 UN climate summit in Azerbaijan, with the intention to act as a “watchdog” in the negotiations involving EU member states and the European Commission, MEPs said.

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‘Trajectory of economics’ will keep climate action moving despite Trump election, former US officials say

Published 23:28 on November 7, 2024  /  Last updated at 23:28 on November 7, 2024  / /  Americas, Climate Talks, International, US

While the second Trump presidency will likely hamper the US’ reputation for climate action on the global stage, top former governmental officials said Thursday that the incoming administration’s ability to stall the US – and the world’s – momentum towards a clean energy economy will be limited.

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G20 must strengthen Paris pledges, cut fossil fuels, in order to keep 1.5C alive -UN adviser

Published 16:49 on November 7, 2024  /  Last updated at 16:49 on November 7, 2024  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Climate Talks, EMEA, International

The next round of climate pledges from the world’s highest-emitting economies will ultimately determine the chances of limiting global warming to 1.5C, depending in particular on how far they go in pushing a transition away from fossil fuels, the UN’s special adviser on climate action said on Thursday.

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New Zealand can make deep carbon cuts at home for next NDC, but needs early start, commission finds

Published 16:00 on November 7, 2024  /  Last updated at 16:00 on November 7, 2024  /  Asia Pacific, Climate Talks, International, New Zealand

New Zealand can achieve substantial emissions cuts domestically for its 2031-35 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), reducing its reliance on international credits, but must start work already this decade, according to the independent Climate Change Commission (CCC).

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COP29 climate finance goal must include massive boost for adaptation, says UN report

Published 12:00 on November 7, 2024  /  Last updated at 12:07 on November 7, 2024  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Climate Talks, EMEA, International

The new global finance goal that is due to be agreed at COP29 this month must include a massive boost for adaptation, according to a flagship UN report published on Thursday.

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COP29: PREVIEW – Political uncertainty clouds Article 6 outlook, with key carbon trade technicalities, crediting standards on the line

Published 09:45 on November 7, 2024  /  Last updated at 00:54 on November 8, 2024  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Climate Talks, EMEA, International, Paris Article 6, Voluntary

Despite prior optimism for progress in Baku on UN carbon markets, political uncertainty following this week’s US election result has dampened enthusiasm for a strong outcome on Article 6 at COP29, with multiple key technical elements of international carbon trade still to be clarified, as well as the thorny question of whether crediting standards brought into force ahead of the summit will be formally endorsed.

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PNG relents on COP29 delegation but will still “liquidate” own forests without finance, PM warns

Published 06:22 on November 7, 2024  /  Last updated at 06:22 on November 7, 2024  / /  Asia Pacific, Climate Talks, International, Other APAC

Papua New Guinea will send a delegation to COP29 in Azerbaijan this month after first its prime minister and then its foreign minister had said it would not as a protest against the lack of climate finance for maintaining its vast carbon sink forests.

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