Climate ‘meta-registry’ eyes November launch after extensive testing
A global blockchain-enabled system to transfer carbon units and track meta data of credits between various registries is due to launch in November after three years of testing.
Read MoreGovernments near a UN deal on pricing shipping emissions -observers
Prospects for a global carbon pricing regime for shipping have improved markedly following a week of closed-door talks at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), an advisory group said on Friday.
Read MoreBrazil government invites sectors to set own emissions goals under Paris pledge
The government of right-wing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro wants all the country’s economic sectors to set their own emissions goals provided the targets collectively deliver its pledge to the Paris Agreement.
Read MoreDemand for voluntary carbon seen rising fivefold to 1 bln tonnes/year -bank
Carbon credit demand could rise fivefold to 1 billion tonnes per year by 2030, according to a bank analyst report published this week, spurred by corporate climate commitments outpacing those of governments.
Read MoreCOMMENT: Conservation through incentive, innovation, and entrepreneurship
Brazil’s environment minister, Joaquim Leite, outlines his government’s green economy plans and its intention to be the world’s biggest exporter of carbon credits.
Read MoreBrussels’ to consider selling MSR-held carbon units under RePowerEU plan -FT
The European Commission is considering selling 200-250 million EU carbon allowances currently held in the MSR as part of the bloc’s RePowerEU initiative, the FT reported on Tuesday, citing anonymous EU officials and diplomats.
Read MoreEU Parliament committee backs higher line on ETS ambition
The European Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI) has voted for a 67% emissions reduction target for 2030 for the EU ETS, supporting an earlier compromise deal that goes beyond the European Commission’s proposed 61%.
Read MoreEuropean insurance firm invests big in Australian forests
A major European reinsurer has committed to invest A$354.1 million (€234 mln) in Australian forestry assets, aiming to derive incoming from logging and carbon credits.
Read MoreRatings firm puts REDD project “on watch” after report questioning legitimacy
A carbon credit ratings agency has put a REDD forest protection project “on watch” for a potential change in its rating after the scheme was the subject of a critical investigation.
Read MoreBrussels aims to frontload EUA auctions to double Innovation Fund call -leaked draft
The European Commission is planning to frontload more EUA sales this year in order to double the size of an Innovation Fund call, according to a leaked draft of the RePowerEU initiative seen by Carbon Pulse on Thursday.
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