NACW25: Mexican forest carbon credit supply bottlenecked by market infrastructure
The burgeoning supply of Mexican forest carbon credits hasn’t been able to keep up with demand, voluntary carbon market players told conference attendees, as they pointed to challenges with verification and existing methodologies.
Read MoreUS state forest service launches forest resiliency fund
A US state forest service is launching a programme to help landowners make their forests more resilient and support practices for improving carbon management.
Read MoreBrazilian Cerrado regeneration hinges on technical capacity and coordinated action -report
A new report has outlined a pathway for scaling regenerative agriculture in Brazil’s Cerrado region, but technical and financial capacity gaps pose significant hurdles to widespread adoption.
Read MoreEU confirms plan to cast CO2 removal certification methodologies into law this year, despite heated debate on biomass
The European Commission on Wednesday confirmed its intention to put forward draft legislation this year to certify permanent carbon removals from direct air capture with carbon storage (DACCS), bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), and biochar.
Read MoreINTERVIEW: Galicia to pass carbon market bill by mid-April
The autonomous region of Galicia in Spain will soon pass carbon markets legislation that aims to draw investment into local communities while encouraging finance flows from within and outside the region, a top environment official told Carbon Pulse.
Read MoreStandard opens consultation on first river-based carbon removal methodology
A carbon removal standard has released a draft methodology for public consultation on carbon removal (CDR) using river alkalinity enhancement (RAE), which it claims is the first such crediting protocol.
Read MoreAcademics propose set of rules for nature markets
Five recommended key rules for nature markets to achieve their environmental aims while delivering scientifically credible outcomes have been put forward in a pre-print by academics, with the most important being additionality.
Read MoreShell cuts carbon credit use in 2024 amid lower fuel sales, rising renewables
Shell reduced the volume of carbon credits it retired in 2024, as a drop in transport fuel sales and increased renewable electricity transactions helped the company progress toward its net zero targets, the energy major said in its annual report.
Read MoreINTERVIEW: Developer gears up to expand biodiversity credit project pipeline in Europe
A conservation organisation is preparing to expand its portfolio of biodiversity credit projects in Europe, as moving beyond just carbon could help it increase revenues and better support landowners implementing nature protection and restoration activities, its founder told Carbon Pulse.
Read MoreCarbon credit insurance startup boosts capacity more than five-fold to €22.5 mln
A carbon insurance startup said Wednesday it has expanded its underwriting capacity to €22.5 million, a 450% increase in the safety net to meet growing demand for carbon risk solutions.
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