South African exchange to start voluntary carbon credit trade within two months -Bloomberg
The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) will start trading voluntary carbon credits within a matter of months, its chief executive told Bloomberg.
Read MoreSeychelles to host first African on-land regenerative coral aquaculture facility
A Seychelles-based environmental non-profit is spearheading a project to build Africa’s first on-land regenerative coral aquaculture facility, paving the way for innovating coral reef conservation and restoration in the region.
Read MoreCommunity leaders slam investigation process that led to REDD voluntary carbon project suspension
Community leaders of a Kenyan REDD avoided deforestation voluntary carbon project that was mired by a sexual offences scandal have sternly rebuked the handling of the investigation, alleging disgruntled former employees were offered cash to make statements that were embellished to suit the narrative.
Read MoreStudy calls for broader definition of blue carbon ecosystems to help finance conservation efforts
A broader definition of blue carbon ecosystems could help fund conservation efforts by unlocking greater carbon credit supply, according to a study released this week.
Read MoreANALYSIS: Ageing UN carbon projects eye voluntary carbon market opportunities in light of Article 6 delays
Projects from the UN’s Kyoto Protocol-era Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) are transitioning to the voluntary carbon market (VCM) in light of stalling Article 6 negotiations, experts have told Carbon Pulse, though some caution that opportunities may only be short term, and units could be a tough sell for some buyers.
Read MoreFEATURE: Scientists enhancing the carbon appetite of crops explore voluntary market opportunity
Scientists developing gene-edited crops with deeper root systems that sequester more CO2 expect the first carbon credits to be generated in the next couple of years from farmers adopting their varieties.
Read MoreVCM Report: Low price trade dominates voluntary carbon market as liquidity thins ahead of CCPs arrival
Over-the-counter trade seems to have slowed in the voluntary carbon market and retirement levels have fallen ahead of the much-anticipated announcement at the end of the month of the first methodologies that will qualify for the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) stamp of high integrity.
Read MoreVerra removes troubled REDD carbon project in DRC from registry
Verra has removed a voluntary carbon REDD avoided deforestation project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from its registry after a senior government committee recommended that its concession contracts, alongside many others, be cancelled for breaking the law, the standard body told Carbon Pulse Friday.
Read MoreEU bank to invest millions in climate resilience of Rwanda’s farming sector
The international arm of the European Investment Bank, EIB Global, will help farmers in Rwanda face climate change under a financing agreement announced on Thursday as part of the EU Global Gateway initiative.
Read MoreINTERVIEW: Carbon royalties for state, market exposure for communities would help Article 6 succeed -developer
Allowing governments access to a portion of the credits from carbon projects they host, and giving communities greater exposure to markets, would help Article 6 to get off the ground, according to a project developer.
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