UPDATE – Washington state inaugural cap-and-invest auction sells out near $50

Published 20:21 on March 7, 2023  /  Last updated at 02:09 on March 8, 2023  / /  Americas, Canada, US

The first auction of Washington state’s WCI-modelled cap-and-trade programme sold out, with the clearing price coming well above secondary market levels and close to the scheme’s lowest reserve tier trigger, according to results published Tuesday.

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US developer of nature-based offsets raises $3.2 mln for global expansion

Published 19:08 on March 7, 2023  /  Last updated at 19:08 on March 7, 2023  / /  Americas, Nature-based, US, Voluntary

A Colorado-based offset project developer on Tuesday announced a $3.2 mln fundraise that it will utilise to expand its portfolio pipeline abroad.

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EXCLUSIVE: Carbon credit originator says achieves 1-bln tonne project pipeline, targets 50 Mt in trade this year

Published 00:34 on March 7, 2023  /  Last updated at 02:33 on March 7, 2023  / /  Americas, Nature-based, US, Voluntary

A US-headquartered carbon offset trader and originator has secured a project pipeline that exceeds 1 billion tonnes, with the firm also aiming to transact over 50 million VERs this year separate from its own initiatives, company executives told Carbon Pulse.

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British Columbia to implement output-based pricing system for large emitters in 2024

Published 20:46 on March 6, 2023  /  Last updated at 20:46 on March 6, 2023  / /  Americas, Canada

The British Columbia government has announced it will next year introduce an output-based pricing system (OBPS) for large stationary sources of GHG emissions, allowing industries an alternative to regulation by the Canadian province’s economy-wide carbon tax.

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California power emissions nearly flat in 2022, tick down in January

Published 21:54 on March 3, 2023  /  Last updated at 21:54 on March 3, 2023  / /  Americas, Canada, US

California electricity sector CO2 output ended 2022 just below year-earlier levels, while Jan. 2023 emissions were also slightly down year-on-year, according to data published Friday.

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US Carbon Markets and LCFS Roundup for week ending Mar. 3, 2023

Published 21:05 on March 3, 2023  /  Last updated at 21:05 on March 3, 2023  / /  Americas, RINs & LCFS, US, Voluntary

A summary of legislative, regulatory, and policy action on carbon, clean fuel standard, and clean energy markets at the US federal and subnational levels this week, including the Vermont Senate passing amended clean heat standard legislation, the referral of a voluntary carbon credit disclosure bill in California, and the announcement of a rulemaking process for Oregon’s cap-and-reduce system.

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Climate Action Reserve developing Guatemala forest offset protocol

Published 20:16 on March 3, 2023  /  Last updated at 20:16 on March 3, 2023  / /  Americas, Nature-based, South & Central, US, Voluntary

Offset registry Climate Action Reserve (CAR) on Friday announced it will commence development of a forest carbon protocol specific to Guatemala, continuing the US-based standard’s trend of country-specific endeavours.

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Analysts lower 2023 CCA price forecast, expect premium Q1 RGGI auction settlement

Published 23:42 on March 2, 2023  /  Last updated at 23:42 on March 2, 2023  / /  Americas, Canada, US

California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices will trend slightly lower this year as GHG output drops from the power and industrial sectors, while next week’s quarterly RGGI auction will clear at a significant premium to current secondary market levels, according to a recent analyst report.

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California invalidates compliance offsets from Wisconsin project for second time

Published 21:14 on March 2, 2023  /  Last updated at 21:14 on March 2, 2023  / /  Americas, Canada, US

California regulator ARB on Thursday announced it has for the second time voided compliance offsets from a Wisconsin-based livestock project, after the initiative was found once again to be in violation of a state waste management permit and groundwater standards.

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UPDATE – WCI jurisdictions foreshadow rulemaking processes to tighten linked cap-and-trade programmes

Published 22:43 on February 28, 2023  /  Last updated at 04:37 on March 1, 2023  / /  Americas, Canada, US

The California and Quebec governments on Tuesday divulged forthcoming plans to strengthen their carbon markets linked under WCI, which among other topics will include evaluating annual emissions caps and banked allowance supply in order to reach more ambitious GHG reduction targets.

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