Big EU companies favour shareholder payouts over green transition -report

Published 16:40 on February 20, 2025  /  Last updated at 16:40 on February 20, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

Major European companies in key energy transition sectors are funnelling the bulk of their profits into shareholder payouts, instead of investing in making their businesses fit for the low-carbon transition, according to a report on Thursday.

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EU ETS2 imperiled by transition policy gaps, as heat pump sales drop

Published 20:09 on February 19, 2025  /  Last updated at 20:09 on February 19, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

The European Union’s transition to clean heating technologies is facing serious headwinds, experts have said, putting at risk the sector’s impending coverage under carbon pricing and risking deeper energy poverty for vulnerable households.

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EU new vision for agriculture signals cautious approach to carbon farming

Published 18:09 on February 19, 2025  /  Last updated at 18:09 on February 19, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS, Nature-based

Brussels is taking a measured stance on carbon farming, preferring to build on existing voluntary initiatives rather than impose a complex new system of capturing carbon on the EU’s 9 million farms, EU Agriculture Commissioner Christophe Hansen told Carbon Pulse on Wednesday.

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BRIEFING: ‘Perfect moment’ to talk EU ETS for agriculture, as Commission considers next steps

Published 05:53 on February 19, 2025  /  Last updated at 05:53 on February 19, 2025  / /  Carbon Taxes, CBAM, EMEA, EU ETS

Experts from across the agriculture and food industry see the prospect of a specific emissions trading system for agriculture and food sectors as firmly on the table, with the European Commission now considering policy vehicles to drive down greenhouse gas emissions in the sector.

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Greens warn Commission against merging EU funds for agriculture, regional policy

Published 17:34 on February 18, 2025  /  Last updated at 17:34 on February 18, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

The Greens in the European Parliament are sounding the alarm over suggestions to merge the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget with EU funds allocated to regional cohesion policy, warning the move could spell disaster for the sustainability of the sector.

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EU approves €2 bln Finnish state aid scheme for industrial decarbonisation

Published 15:59 on February 18, 2025  /  Last updated at 16:39 on February 18, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

A €2.3 billion Finnish scheme to help industrial companies reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, including via carbon capture and storage, has been approved by the European Commission.

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EU energy security strategy outdated, ETS-backed ‘electrification bank’ needed -study

Published 23:01 on February 13, 2025  /  Last updated at 15:46 on February 12, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

The EU’s 2014 energy security strategy is no longer fit for purpose due to fundamental supply and demand changes over the past decade, an industry study has found, as it called for a new ETS-funded bank to support electrification.

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EU urged to integrate negative emissions into ETS to spur CCS deployment

Published 09:11 on February 12, 2025  /  Last updated at 23:26 on February 12, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS, International

The EU must integrate negative emissions into its emissions trading system to create the right incentives for companies to invest in large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects, experts have said.

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ETS2 remains safe, but Social Climate Fund may need tweaks to appease politics -experts

Published 17:06 on February 11, 2025  /  Last updated at 07:45 on February 12, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

Experts remain optimistic that European policymakers will not lose faith in the new EU Emissions Trading System for road and heating fuels (ETS2), despite growing headwinds driven by concerns about the public costs it could inflict, they said at a conference in Essen on Tuesday.  

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EU lawmakers continue pushing for flexibility on car emissions targets

Published 15:26 on February 10, 2025  /  Last updated at 15:26 on February 10, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

The influential centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) is pushing the European Commission to introduce short-term measures to help automakers meet their emissions targets for cars. 

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