BRIEFING: EUA price must hit €150/t to push ship owners to adopt greener fuel

Published 15:35 on May 22, 2024  /  Last updated at 15:35 on May 22, 2024  / Bryony Collins /  EMEA, EU ETS, International, Shipping

EUAs need to be trading at least €150 per tonne to start incentivising ship owners to switch to biofuels in a subsidised environment, while the price would need to be markedly higher than that to ensure a shift to more expensive green fuels like ammonia or methanol, a freight manager told a conference Wednesday.
EUAs need to be trading at least €150 per tonne to start incentivising ship owners to switch to biofuels in a subsidised environment, while the price would need to be markedly higher than that to ensure a shift to more expensive green fuels like ammonia or methanol, a freight manager told a conference Wednesday.

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