Rating agency assigns weak score to first approved PACM carbon project
A carbon rating agency has assigned a relatively low score to the first approved project that has transitioned to the new Paris Agreement Crediting Mechanism (PACM) from the Kyoto-era Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
Read MoreCDM panel approves “marginal”, more granular approach to clean cooking projects
A methodological panel for the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has endorsed a “marginal” approach for the fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB) for application in clean cooking projects, according to a meeting report published online this week.
Read MoreNew suite of news and intelligence products to celebrate 10 years of Carbon Pulse
To celebrate 10 years of Carbon Pulse, we are announcing the launch of two new subscription products – Net Zero Pulse and Nature & Biodiversity Pulse – to enhance our suite of specialist news and intelligence offerings.
Read MoreCarbon Pulse continues to strengthen reporting teams with new hires, promotions
Carbon Pulse has further strengthened its team of carbon market, climate policy, nature, and biodiversity reporters with a series of new hires and internal promotions.
Read MoreArticle 6 body seeks expertise on technicalities of crediting mechanism registry
The UN body mandated to develop the Paris Agreement Crediting Mechanism (PACM) has opened multiple calls for expertise on Wednesday as it seeks to create a registry for the new crediting facility.
Read MoreANALYSIS: New UN carbon crediting mechanism under scrutiny in wake of first CDM transition approval
The integrity of the new Paris Agreement Crediting Mechanism has already come into focus after the first programme of activities (PoA) was approved at a recent UNFCCC meeting.
Read MoreArticle 6 body launches interim registry, approves first CDM transition requests
The Supervisory Body for the Article 6.4 mechanism (SBM) agreed to launch an interim registry to help speed along the operationalising of the Paris Agreement Crediting Mechanism (PACM) at its first meeting of the year, also making the first approvals as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) transition process.
Read MoreICAO to assess Paris crediting mechanism units for CORSIA once time is right -TAB chair
The chair of UN aviation agency ICAO’s technical body has said that new Paris Agreement units will be assessed for the CORSIA scheme once the mechanism is ready.
Read MoreINTERVIEW: Central America’s phased-in carbon markets chart unique course in the region
Central American countries’ attempts to sensitise the private sector to carbon pricing while building up public sector capacity via voluntary programmes have led to a unique, subregional model of carbon markets within Latin America, a Panamanian expert told Carbon Pulse.
Read MoreKenyan energy company to tender 1.8 mln CDM carbon credits
A Kenyan power company and carbon project developer will tender in February around 1.8 million carbon credits issued last year to geothermal energy projects under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
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