Intermediaries in China carbon market see windfall gains from rapidly rising voluntary offset prices
Intermediaries in the Chinese carbon market are reaping benefits from fast-rising offset prices as the gap widens between what domestic developers ask and the international market is paying.
Read MoreChina thermal power growth slides in October amid energy consumption curb
China’s thermal power growth slowed in October, official data showed Monday, as the energy consumption curb put in place to ease coal shortage continued, though analysts don’t expect big power surge after the curb ends.
Read MoreCN Markets: CEAs stable with little sign of pre-compliance volatility
Prices and volumes in China’s national carbon market remained relatively stable again over the past week, with little indication of impending pre-compliance volatility.
Read MoreChinese emitters forced to chase scarce supply after ignoring CO2 verification requirements
A number of Chinese power plants unexpectedly face a shortage of allowances in the national CO2 trading scheme after neglecting to finalise the verification process for their 2019 emissions, according to market participants.
Read MorePower market reform paves way for tense inclusion of industry in China ETS
The power pricing reform announced by China last month has seen industrial electricity prices rise by up to 75% in some regions, leading some analysts to question whether heavy industry such as aluminium production should be brought into the national emissions trading scheme.
Read MoreChina’s central bank unveils new lending policy to fund decarbonisation
The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has unveiled a new lending policy to provide cheaper funding to carbon reduction efforts, a move analysts say can inject at least a trillion yuan ($160 billion) into the market.
Read MoreChina carbon futures trading likely to go ahead after government nod
Carbon trading at the newly established Guangzhou Futures Exchange looks likely to move forward after being endorsed by a group of major government agencies, though it remains unclear which units will be on offer.
Read MoreCN Markets: Trading volumes rise in China’s carbon market as compliance deadline nears, but prices stable
There was a significant uptick in allowance and offset trading volumes in China’s market over the past week with the 2019 and 2020 compliance deadline now just six weeks away, but price movement was limited.
Read MoreChina orders efficiency improvements for coal-fired power plants
China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has ordered most coal-fired power plants to improve their coal-burning efficiency, a move that could further increase the oversupply of allowances in the ETS unless the environment ministry adopts similar adjustments to the CO2 allocation benchmark.
Read MoreChinese verifier caught faking ETS data a second time
A Beijing-based environmental consultancy has been caught falsifying ETS emissions data for a coal-fired power plant in Henan province, just months after a similar incident in Inner Mongolia.
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