EU political parties name MEPs to co-ordinate ETS review

Published 16:31 on September 21, 2015  /  Last updated at 16:31 on September 21, 2015  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

Several political groupings in the EU Parliament have appointed MEPs to co-ordinate their positions on the post-2020 EU ETS reforms, following the appointment of UK right-winger Ian Duncan last week as rapporteur to steer the proposal through the assembly.

Several political groupings in the EU Parliament have appointed MEPs to co-ordinate their positions on the post-2020 EU ETS reforms, following the appointment of UK right-winger Ian Duncan last week as rapporteur to steer the proposal through the assembly.

The MEPs sit in the Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI), which will be responsible for crafting and getting approved by their parliamentary colleagues a response to the Commission proposal.

According to the Parliament’s website, the so-called shadow rapporteurs selected from the seven political groupings so far are:

  • Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Netherlands, liberal ALDE group
  • Katerina Konecna, Czech Republic, GUE green leftist group
  • Eleonora Evi, Italy, eurosceptic EFD

Rapporteur Ian Duncan told the Parliament that he intended to wait until after the December UN climate conference in Paris before putting pen to paper on a report responding to the Commission’s proposal, though he said in the meantime he would be consulting with all interested parties.

Three other parliamentary committees have been asked to submit their opinions to be voted on and taken into consideration by ENVI in crafting its report: budgets, industry and internal market. The budgets committee has opted not to give an opinion.

The Parliament forms one half of the EU legislative co-decision procedure, with a majority of both the assembly and the EU Council of Member States needed for it to become law, in a process expected to take at least a year.

By Ben Garside –

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