Japanese LNG drive would be better spent on domestic renewables -think tank

Published 11:10 on March 24, 2025  /  Last updated at 11:10 on March 24, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Japan

Japan would be better able to shore up its domestic energy security via investing more in renewables within its own borders than LNG projects outside of them, especially in geopolitically fraught areas, a think tank warned this week.

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Emissions and economic growth finally separate, IEA says

Published 09:05 on March 24, 2025  /  Last updated at 09:24 on March 24, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, China, EMEA, International, Other APAC, US

The International Energy Agency (IEA) found a record year for power demand in 2024 even as emissions growth slowed, underlining the fact that after decades, economic and emissions growth are finally and demonstrably decoupling.

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Exxon confirms CCS cancellation due to decommissioning requirements

Published 05:34 on March 24, 2025  /  Last updated at 05:34 on March 24, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Australia

ExxonMobil on Monday confirmed it has cancelled its South East Australia Carbon Capture and Storage (SEA CCS) project offshore Victoria and said the oil platform planned as infrastructure will need to be decommissioned instead.

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Marine company sees clean energy orders rise, but LNG still a fundamental

Published 10:53 on March 21, 2025  /  Last updated at 10:53 on March 21, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Other APAC

Marine engineering company Seatrium, formed from the bones of a dissolved Keppel and Sembcorp, is bullish on renewables, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and ammonia while seeing a central place for hydrocarbons in the energy transition.

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Australia launches new A$70 mln industrial decarbonisation funding round

Published 03:54 on March 21, 2025  /  Last updated at 03:54 on March 21, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Australia

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has opened a second round of funding to support industrial decarbonisation valued at A$70 million ($44 mln).

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Vietnam to develop voluntary carbon labelling for emissions-heavy exports

Published 07:40 on March 20, 2025  /  Last updated at 07:40 on March 20, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Carbon Taxes, CBAM, Other APAC

Vietnam’s Department of Climate Change (DCC) under the new Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (MAE) is working to design voluntary carbon accounting programmes and labelling for emissions-heavy businesses that export to Europe and the US.

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Australia kickstarts Hydrogen Headstart programme with A$814 mln

Published 03:49 on March 20, 2025  /  Last updated at 03:49 on March 20, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Australia

The Australian government has awarded its first tranche of cash under the Hydrogen Headstart programme, with A$814 million ($515 mln) to Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ (CIP) Murchison project in Western Australia.

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Malaysian CCUS bill will increase emissions, provides no legal recourse, watchdog warns

Published 08:12 on March 18, 2025  /  Last updated at 08:12 on March 18, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Other APAC

A Malaysia-based environmental watchdog said this week the nation’s newly announced carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) laws will ramp up rather than cut emissions, and expressed alarm over its restrictive national security provisions that could prevent legal action being launched if a project goes wrong.

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Australia urged to up emissions target, improve Safeguard Mechanism

Published 11:04 on March 17, 2025  /  Last updated at 11:04 on March 17, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Australia

Australia will need to update its Nationally Determined Contribution and set an emissions reduction target above 60% while also better managing the Safeguard Mechanism if it hopes to reach net zero by 2050, according to a Melbourne-based think tank.

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Australia offers A$750 mln for clean minerals development

Published 06:15 on March 14, 2025  /  Last updated at 06:15 on March 14, 2025  / /  Asia Pacific, Australia

Australia on Friday continued its clean energy spending, announcing it will invest A$750 million ($471 mln) in critical minerals and their development and processing through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

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