Ratings firm downgrades scores for three Brazilian REDD+ projects
A rating agency has downgraded three Verra-accredited Brazilian REDD+ projects, amid shaken market confidence in the avoided deforestation market following reports of widespread over-crediting.
Read MoreUtility RWE reports 3.3% rise in ETS-covered emissions for 2022
Germany-based utility RWE, historically the EU’s top corporate emitter, reported a 3.3% rise in its ETS-covered thermal power output for 2022, it said on Thursday, upping its demand for carbon allowances for the second straight year.
Read MoreStartup attracts French multinationals to be part of €11 mln biochar venture
A startup has raised €11 million for its biochar carbon removals venture, the company said on Wednesday, attracting three major French firms to be part of what is claimed as Europe’s largest Series A round in climate tech.
Read MoreANALYSIS: The EU’s swerve from Russia brings renewables goals within reach
A massive ramp-up in EU renewable power build-out in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine means the bloc is likely to achieve even the most ambitious 2030 clean power target being considered by legislators, while also easing carbon costs for emitters.
Read MoreRatings firm puts South Pole’s under-fire Kariba project on watch
A rating agency has placed South Pole’s Kariba REDD+ project on watch for a potential score change amid media reports of widespread over-crediting, with a slew of other projects also coming under scrutiny.
Read MoreUPDATE – South Pole parts ways with public affairs chief as stakeholders react to media scrutiny
Carbon credit provider South Pole has parted ways with its head of public affairs, Carbon Pulse has learned, as the company reviews its entire REDD portfolio amid claims of widespread over-crediting of forest protection projects.
Read MoreANALYSIS: Smaller green shipping deals bode well for global agreement
As nations squabble at the UN’s maritime agency (IMO) over a headline global climate target for shipping, governments are doing better at making smaller-scale arrangements that cut across historic rich-poor divides and are widely seen as essential for decarbonising the sector.
Read MorePetroleum focused project developer gets funding boost from oil major investment vehicle
A carbon credit project developer focused on decarbonising the oil and gas sector has become the thirtieth investment for an oil major-owned climate fund’s $1 billion-plus portfolio.
Read MoreVoluntary carbon market could reach $1 trillion valuation under right rules, say analysts
The value of the voluntary carbon market (VCM) could approach $1 trillion as soon as 2037 if stakeholders adopt more rigorous quality standards and put a greater emphasis on carbon removal, analysts said in a report published Monday that stated such developments would solidify market confidence, lift prices, and drive demand.
Read MoreRatings agency puts US CCS projects ‘on watch’ for potential score change
A carbon credit ratings agency has put three ACR-certified enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects in the US on ratings watch for a potential score change.
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