CDM panel approves “marginal”, more granular approach to clean cooking projects
A methodological panel for the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has endorsed a “marginal” approach for the fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB) for application in clean cooking projects, according to a meeting report published online this week.
Read MoreUS pulls funding from international loss and damage, energy transition programmes
The US has withdrawn from the UN’s Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage from climate change and the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), a multi-billion-dollar initiative aimed at helping developing nations transition from coal to cleaner energy sources, the US Treasury Department announced this week.
Read MoreGuyana estimates 9.1 mln ART TREES units for 2023 reporting period
Guyana estimates it has cut 9.1 million tonnes of CO2 in the 2023 reporting period from its jurisdictional REDD+ (J-REDD) programme under the ART TREES standard, according to figures released on Thursday.
Read MoreBrazilian state creates commission to oversee local REDD+ activities
A rainforest-rich Brazilian state has established a commission to monitor REDD+ benefit-sharing and emissions reductions, support REDD+ projects and programmes, and liaise with a key national REDD+ agency.
Read MoreOfftakes eat up biochar market, benefit early buyers who pay up front -report
Biochar offtakes struck by early bird buyers are locking in available supply at discounted rates, likely crowding latecomers out due to limited leftover supply and unaffordable prices, according to information published Wednesday by a carbon removals (CDR) marketplace.
Read MoreINTERVIEW: Argentina will keep carbon policies, lose carbon finance if it leaves the Paris Agreement
In late January, just days after US President Donald Trump announced the country’s departure from the Paris Agreement, reports emerged that Argentine President Javier Milei would follow suit – likely sacrificing international carbon finance while keeping most of Argentina’s carbon policies intact.
Read MoreInternational climate fund invests $143 mln in carbon, biodiversity programming
A multi-billion-dollar climate fund has announced $143 million in investments to support nature-based solutions (NbS) initiatives in Brazil, Southern Africa, and Kenya.
Read MoreLATAM Roundup: Going where no Brazilian regulator has gone before
The Brazilian government last week made two announcements regarding novel initiatives within its carbon markets, as Cuba outlined plans to use Article 6 to help meet its UN climate targets.
Read MoreEXCLUSIVE: Cercarbono unveils updated forestry and agriculture methodology
Voluntary carbon standard Cercarbono will on Tuesday reveal an updated methodology for reforestation, forest restoration, and woody agriculture as part of overhaul efforts to align its project protocols with international carbon programmes.
Read MoreCuba to leverage Article 6 finance to achieve conditional NDC targets
Cuba’s third Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) has specified that it will use Article 6 cooperative approaches to secure climate finance, helping it to achieve conditional Paris Agreement goals.
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