CP Daily: Thursday July 9, 2015

Published 18:09 on July 9, 2015  /  Last updated at 14:18 on February 10, 2016  / /  Newsletters

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Nine EU environment ministers call for tiered access to free EUAs, simpler ETS

Nine EU environment ministers want the EU Commission’s post-2020 ETS reforms to include a tiered approach to free allocation for industry and a reduction in administrative burdens for companies, they said in a joint statement on Thursday.


Vietnam to keep GHG emissions at 12.5% below BAU over 2021-2030

Vietnam plans to keep its greenhouse gas emissions 12.5% below business-as-usual levels over the 2021-2030 period, but could raise the target to 25% if it receives international assistance, according to a government website.


GCF approves new finance partners, agrees next $200m pilot phase

The Green Climate Fund on Thursday agreed on 13 new finance partners but drew fire from campaign groups for including Deutsche Bank, a major coal investor.


EU carbon steady as traders turn attention to ETS review, Greece

European carbon dithered on low volume in a 10-cent range on Thursday to end a cent higher, as participants pulled back following yesterday’s MSR vote.


Freepoint Commodities parts ways with head emissions trader -sources

Freepoint Commodities has parted ways with its London-based head of emissions trading, sources told Carbon Pulse.


Exchange CTX adds two former ICE execs to US team

Carbon credit exchange operator Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX) has hired two former IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) executives to help grow its North American business, it said in a statement on Thursday.


Bite-sized updates from around the world:

The low price of coal is still driving up global CO2 emissions as rapidly emerging nations like India, Vietnam and Indonesia satisfy their growing energy demands, according to new findings. (Mercator Research Institute)

A group of EU associations of energy intensive industries urged the EU Commission to ensure their most efficient installations in exposed sectors don’t face undue carbon costs, according to an open letter on Politico’s website.

Gerd Goetz of European Aluminium writes that the post-2020 EU ETS reforms can restore the competitiveness of his sector while making a real contribution to the global fight against climate change (Euractiv)

The Commission is yet to offer any firm suggestions as to how the EU can ensure it meets collective 2030 targets on energy efficiency and renewables, according to a leaked paper aimed to further July 15 member state discussions. (Alice Stollmeyer blog)

The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) has published an overview of the EU ETS mechanisms to counter the risk of carbon leakage.

German environment minister Barbara Hendricks expects coal to be phased out in Germany by 2045 at the very latest. (n-tv, in German)

Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley Sprint to Hillary Clinton’s Left on Climate – Hillary Clinton’s rivals for the US Democratic nomination are finding new ways to outflank the front-runner on the left by showing their bona fides on climate change. (National Journal)

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee heard conflicting expert testimony Wednesday on whether President Barack Obama’s promise to cut U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions could be achieved without additional legislation. (Agri-Pulse)


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