Partial repeal of US IRA tax credits coupled with carbon fee could generate over $2 trillion -report

Published 01:45 on May 25, 2024  /  Last updated at 13:22 on May 27, 2024  / Allison Gacad /  Americas, Carbon Taxes, CBAM, US

A partial repeal of climate-related tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), alongside a carbon fee, brings the US closer to achieving its Paris Agreement targets than an expansion of IRA measures alone, and could additionally generate over $2 trillion, according to a working paper modelling climate policy reform to follow the November US elections.
A partial repeal of climate-related tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), alongside a carbon fee, brings the US closer to achieving its Paris Agreement targets than an expansion of IRA measures alone, and could additionally generate over $2 trillion, according to a working paper modelling climate policy reform to follow the November US elections.

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