Germany extends support to China on ETS

Published 11:48 on April 19, 2016  /  Last updated at 13:48 on April 19, 2016  / Ben Garside /  Asia Pacific, China, EMEA, EU ETS

The German environment ministry will continue its funding programme to help Chinese officials and companies prepare for regulations under its planned national carbon market, it said on Tuesday.

The German environment ministry will continue its funding programme to help Chinese officials and companies prepare for regulations under its planned national carbon market, it said on Tuesday.

The ministry will provide €5.5 million for workshops, expert meetings, study trips and visits to Germany, extending the programme that has been in place since 2012.

“The introduction of a national emissions trading scheme in China in 2017 is a milestone for climate protection. I am pleased that we can share our experience with China,” said Germany’s environment minister Barbara Hendricks in a statement published during her visit to Shanghai’s carbon exchange.

“Emissions trading offers great opportunities to reach climate targets at least cost, the more countries that join, the better.”

The programme is carried out by GIZ, the German agency for international cooperation.

By Ben Garside –

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