Global carbon markets post 14% increase in value in 2022, despite 21% drop in volume –analysts

Published 15:54 on February 7, 2023  /  Last updated at 16:17 on February 7, 2023  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Australia, Aviation/CORSIA, Canada, CBAM, China, EMEA, EU ETS, International, Nature-based, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, UK ETS, US

Global carbon markets expanded for a fourth straight year in 2022, reaching €865 billion ($924 bln) in value despite a near-20% drop in the number of transactions as prices in the main markets reached their highest ever levels, according to analysts in a report published on Tuesday.

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UPDATE – Ryanair flags return to “robust” summer demand, as two more European airlines grounded

Published 10:01 on January 30, 2023  /  Last updated at 14:42 on January 30, 2023  / /  Aviation/CORSIA, EMEA, EU ETS, International, Switzerland, UK ETS

Ryanair became the latest airline Monday to point to resurgent demand in its quarterly report, stating expectations of “very robust” demand in the summer as passenger numbers breached a company record in the final quarter of 2022, while two more European airlines have been grounded in the past few days over financial woes.

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VCM Report: Damning reports on REDD+ crush prices as buyers retreat

Published 19:38 on January 23, 2023  /  Last updated at 19:39 on January 23, 2023  / /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Australia, Aviation/CORSIA, China, Mexico, Middle East, Nature-based, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, US, Voluntary

REDD+ avoided deforestation credit prices continued to sink over the past week in the wake of damning reports published in national newspapers about widespread over-crediting in the sector.

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FEATURE: Ghana emerges as frontrunner on Paris Agreement-era carbon sales

Published 22:08 on December 21, 2022  /  Last updated at 09:06 on December 22, 2022  / /  Africa, Aviation/CORSIA, Climate Talks, EMEA, International, Kyoto Mechanisms, Nature-based, Paris Article 6, Switzerland, Voluntary

Ghana is fast developing global leadership as a seller of carbon credits under the Paris Agreement’s Article 6 international trade provision by establishing levies on such exports, having already developed key relationships with several buyer nations and big-hitting trading houses.

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UK, Switzerland agree to regulate bilateral flights under their carbon markets from 2023

Published 18:04 on December 8, 2022  /  Last updated at 04:13 on December 9, 2022  /  Aviation/CORSIA, EMEA, EU ETS, Switzerland, UK ETS

The UK and Switzerland have agreed to include flights between the two countries under their respective carbon markets starting next year.

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Swiss auction for 2022 carbon allowances clears at record high

Published 21:21 on December 5, 2022  /  Last updated at 23:28 on December 5, 2022  /  EMEA, EU ETS, Switzerland

Switzerland’s first auction for carbon allowances from its ETS compliance year 2022 cleared at a record high, the government announced Monday.

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Activity ramps up in GEO futures after UN deal stokes offset compliance talk

Published 15:54 on December 5, 2022  /  Last updated at 22:58 on January 3, 2023  / /  Asia Pacific, Aviation/CORSIA, Carbon Taxes, China, International, Japan, Nature-based, Other APAC, Paris Article 6, Switzerland, Voluntary

Activity is ramping up in the CBL GEO futures on the CME exchange ahead of the introduction of the first phase of the airline scheme the standardised contract is based on, although the move also coincides with increasing talk of using these types of carbon credits in national compliance programmes.

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Article 6 emissions trade expert leaves buyer to form advisory venture

Published 22:15 on December 1, 2022  /  Last updated at 22:15 on December 1, 2022  / /  Bavardage, EMEA, International, Paris Article 6, Switzerland

An international emissions trade expert has left one of the world’s leading carbon credit buying entities to start a consultancy specialised in Article 6-era transactions.

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EU, Switzerland significantly increasing frequency of allowance transfer dates in 2023

Published 23:02 on November 30, 2022  /  Last updated at 23:02 on November 30, 2022  /  EMEA, EU ETS, Switzerland

The EU and Switzerland are significantly increasing the frequency of dates where allowance transfers are allowed between the two regional emissions trading schemes.

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Switzerland confirms 2% voluntary carbon credit cancellation for atmosphere

Published 19:53 on November 29, 2022  /  Last updated at 19:53 on November 29, 2022  / /  Climate Talks, EMEA, International, Paris Article 6, Switzerland

The Swiss government issued a statement on Tuesday confirming that 2% of its imported carbon credits would be cancelled for the good of the environment, a provision recommended under the Paris Agreement but remaining voluntary in many cases.

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