US Senate bill aims at reversing federal vehicle emissions regulations

Published 04:14 on March 1, 2025  /  Last updated at 04:14 on March 1, 2025  / /  Americas, RINs & LCFS, US

A bill looking to overhaul transportation choices for consumers and vehicle emissions standards was introduced in the US Senate earlier this week.

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CFTC: CCA, WCA, LFS driven by legislative certainty amidst regulatory uncertainty

Published 02:16 on March 1, 2025  /  Last updated at 02:16 on March 1, 2025  / , , and /  Americas, Canada, US

A mixture of legislative certainty and regulatory uncertainty drove investor sentiment across California Carbon Allowance (CCA), Washington Carbon Allowance (WCA), and Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LFS) futures and options holdings, latest figures from the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) showed Friday.

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WCI Markets: ETS extension optimism fuels CCAs higher, WCA programme tweaks spur a rally

Published 02:59 on February 28, 2025  /  Last updated at 02:59 on February 28, 2025  / , and /  Americas, Canada, RINs & LCFS, US

Optimism from the start of discussions to extend cap-and-trade post 2030 supported California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices higher after a sub-$30 auction result mid-week, while Washington Carbon Allowances (WCAs) reversed higher as lawmakers deliberated programme modifications.

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BRIEFING: Affordability takes centre stage in California’s cap-and-trade reform, extension deliberations

Published 06:54 on February 27, 2025  /  Last updated at 06:54 on February 27, 2025  / and /  Americas, US

Experts nudged policymakers to prioritise tangible benefits for California consumers to address affordability concerns as they consider the state’s cap-and-trade scheme revisions and reauthorisation beyond 2030. 

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WCI Markets: Traders unfazed as Q1 auction settles sub-$30, lowest in two years

Published 20:54 on February 26, 2025  /  Last updated at 03:53 on February 27, 2025  / and /  Americas, Canada, US

The Q1 California-Quebec current vintage carbon auction settled in line with secondary market prices and market expectations for a sub-$30 clear, even as California Carbon Allowance (CCA) futures had already moved higher post sale in anticipation of the start of programme extension discussions. 

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UPDATE – California agency outlines rejection of LCFS amendments

Published 19:35 on February 26, 2025  /  Last updated at 03:27 on February 27, 2025  / and /  Americas, RINs & LCFS, US

The administrator responsible for reviewing rules put forth by California’s state agencies issued on Tuesday a detailed list of reasons for disapproving the November regulatory changes to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).

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RGGI compliance entities hold surplus permits at end 2024 despite higher Q4 emissions -report

Published 01:50 on February 26, 2025  /  Last updated at 01:50 on February 26, 2025  / /  Americas, US

RGGI compliance entities switched to a RGGI permit surplus in Q4 from a shortfall through the prior quarter, while RGGI credit prices in the secondary market eased from records, according to the latest market monitor report.

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RGGI Market: Easing winter demand, pre-auction positioning pushes RGAs sub-$22

Published 00:52 on February 25, 2025  /  Last updated at 00:52 on February 25, 2025  / /  Americas, US

RGGI allowance (RGA) prices sold off over the week with the benchmark once again sliding below $22 on Monday as near-term winter weather forecasts normalised and traders positioned ahead of the upcoming first quarterly permit sale next month.

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BRIEFING: California’s ETS reauthorisation hinges on predictable carbon price outcomes, not cutting emissions -panellists

Published 08:48 on February 23, 2025  /  Last updated at 08:48 on February 23, 2025  / and /  Americas, US

Clarifying goals for disbursing California’s cap-and-trade auction funds, mitigating impacts of higher allowance prices, and addressing affordability concerns were strategies to secure legislative reauthorisation and programme extension post 2030 rather than focusing on an emissions cap, panellists discussed on a webinar Thursday.

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CFTC: Investors boost CCA holdings again ahead of Q1 auction but pull back in RGGI, LCFS

Published 01:57 on February 22, 2025  /  Last updated at 01:57 on February 22, 2025  / , and /  Americas, Canada, RINs & LCFS, US

Financial players continued to add to their net length in California Carbon Allowances (CCAs) leading up to the Q1 auction, but reduced their exposure in the RGGI and Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) markets, according to latest figures from the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) released Friday.

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