BRIEFING: Why EU agricultural emissions are set to be the next Brussels battleground
The European agricultural sector’s greenhouse gas footprint is set to take centre stage in the next EU political cycle, rising from a largely neglected climate issue to a prominent source of tension between co-legislators.
Read MoreEU General Court to rule on ETS preliminary cases
The EU’s General Court will take over the legal jurisdiction for hearing and deciding questions regarding preliminary rulings on the EU ETS, under a change announced on Monday.
Read MoreBRIEFING: Spain’s leftist climate champion eyes top Brussels post
Spain’s socialist ecological transition minister, Teresa Ribera, a long-time political standout on climate action, may be set to surge to a top job in Brussels overseeing EU climate policies over a period that could largely determine the bloc’s ability to fulfil its promises without damaging its economy.
Read MoreItaly’s new law to cut red tape for renewables
The Italian government passed a draft legislative decree on Wednesday, aiming to cut red tape for the production of energy from renewable sources.
Read MoreVirgin Atlantic “100% sustainable aviation fuel” ad judged misleading
Virgin Atlantic’s pledge to run future flights on fully sustainable aviation fuel is misleading consumers, according to an official UK judgment published on Wednesday.
Read MoreSpanish wind and solar projects secure loans to bolster EU energy independence
Two renewable energy projects in Spain will borrow €85 million from the European Investment Bank (EIB) under EU plans to reduce dependence on fossil fuel imports.
Read MoreFEATURE: Systemic rejections of wind and solar make it hard for Italy to hit climate goals
Regular rejections to new wind and solar capacity in Italy are a reality check for a country that has just strengthened its climate goals and intends to rely more on renewable energy in the next few years.
Read MoreNew EU rules on industrial, livestock emissions enter into force
A revised directive on harmful industrial emissions across the 27 member states of the European Union will enter into force on Sunday.
Read MoreBRIEFING: Italy bets on controversial nuclear energy for 2030s
The Italian government’s plan to build nuclear up to a large share of its energy mix after 2030 goes against current public opinion – in a country that has voted twice to ban the energy source – and fails to address how it will meet the EU’s emissions reduction target for this decade.
Read MoreScientists warn swift emission reductions needed to reverse tipping points
Current climate policies imply a high risk for tipping Earth resources, even if the temperature increase returns to below 1.5C after a period of overshoot – but these could be minimised if warming is swiftly reversed, according to a study published on Thursday.
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