ECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Why the EU needs to embrace forest carbon finance
A new report on forest finance shows that investments in the forest sector fall far short of what’s needed to end deforestation. Conserving and restoring tropical forests could deliver up to 30% of the carbon savings necessary to keep the average global temperature rise to 1.5C, only about 1% of international development funding for climate mitigation is directed towards this.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: In Bonn, progress on markets hampered by gridlock on everything else
The Americas aren’t named for Christopher Columbus, but for his map-maker, Amerigo Vespucci, who first figured out that Brazil is a pretty big part of the New World – something to keep in mind as climate negotiators sketch out the map for implementing the Paris Agreement.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: As REDD talks progress in Bonn, question arises: who can use the term “REDD+”?
Towards the end of summer, climate negotiators learned of three trademark applications that were filed in May of this year. One was for the logo “REDDPLUSX”, which is described as a carbon credit brokerage. Another was for the logo “RRU”, which are proposed carbon credits generated by saving or supporting forests under the Paris Agreement. But it was the third, for the logo REDD+, that raised eyebrows across the climate community.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Forest carbon projects can narrow emissions gap, but not all are created equal
Before year-end climate talks began in Bonn, Germany last Monday, the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) published its 2017 Emissions Gap Report, which warned that existing climate action plans – called “Nationally Determined Reductions” (NDRs) – won’t keep global temperatures from rising 2oC.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Despite Trump, the Paris Agreement continues to evolve at Bonn/Fiji climate talks
It has been almost two years since countries adopted the historic Paris Agreement at the COP21 in France. In the next two weeks, this work will continue – perhaps less excitingly so – at the 23rd Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, known informally as COP23 in Bonn.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Forests can absorb 1 trillion tonnes of carbon by 2100
Forests can play a larger and more important role in reducing climate change emissions than previously thought, according to a suite of research released today.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Climate Trust sees $5 bln in new demand for North American offsets through 2030
With California’s cap and trade system in place through 2030 and explicit demand for offsets in the legislation, The Climate Trust (The Trust) forecasts that North American carbon markets will demand a cumulative $4.86 billion of offsets from 2017 through 2030.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: New research continues to debunk old myths on carbon offsetting
Every few years, New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity surveys economists who have expertise on climate change, and it always finds overwhelming support for putting a price on carbon to drive down emissions — support that ideologues on the right routinely dismiss, usually on unfounded “economic” grounds.
Read MoreALLCOT’s Voluntary Carbon Market Report – October 2017
In the end-user marketplace, prices have remained fairly steady for most standards and project types, according to market sources.
*This article is available to Carbon Pulse subscribers and free account holders (ex-trialists)*
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: The high cost of Trump’s “money saving” Clean Power Plan repeal
US Environmental Protection Agency boss Scott Pruitt withdrew from the Obama era’s Clean Power Plan today, and he says it’s because the plan is an expensive, unfair, and unprecedented intrusion by government into energy markets. Ecosystem Marketplace’s Steve Zwick debunks his argument.
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