ECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Which of the Green New Democrats want to price carbon?
US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) proposal for a Green New Deal has support from dozens of legislators, but it’s hardly the only proposal in the works. The number of candidates vying to be president is growing, and while all advocate for climate action, few have said how they will deliver – let alone whether they favour a price on carbon. Here’s Ecosystem Marketplace’s first presidential candidate carbon pricing scorecard.
Read MoreCOMMENT – Transitioning to the Canadian federal backstop: Industrial perspectives on carbon pricing
In the run-up to the Carbon Pricing for Canadian Industry conference – April 25-26 at the Hilton Toronto – Canadian Clean Energy conferences is running a series of articles on key topics for industries complying with provincial and federal carbon regulations.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Davos and the salad sauce of sustainable supply chains
Something is happening in the “Zero-Deforestation Supply Chain Movement,” which is a key component of the global effort to end climate change, and this week’s Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) could provide the impetus for moving beyond lateral drift into fervent activity.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: In Katowice, indigenous leaders call for wider uptake of REDD+
“RIA lives!” said Peruvian indigenous leader Fermín Chimatani Tayori, referring to a private-public partnership called “Amazon Indigenous REDD+”, an eight-year effort to develop protocols and projects that use carbon finance to support indigenous development plans called “Life Plans” (Planes de Vida).
Read MoreCOMMENT – Unwanted exercise and ‘pin risk’: A primer for EUA options expiry’s other risks
*FREE READ* – There are hundreds of millions of tonnes in open interest across the Dec-18 EUA options. Beyond spawning more volatility, options trading veteran Tobias Munk says this massive build-up may yield additional risks in the form of unwanted exercises and ‘pin risk’ ahead of next week’s expiry.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Corruption, poor enforcement hamper global efforts to end deforestation
Zanzibar’s Masingini Natural Forest Reserve provides drinking water for much of the island and habitat for dozens of rare and endangered species, but its forests are being illegally clear-cut. Meanwhile, in the Brazilian Amazon, the “lungs of the planet”, recent satellite images show 7900 square km of illegal deforestation in just the last year. Isolated transgressions? Hardly.
Read MoreECOSYSTEM MARKETPLACE: Oil palm, the prodigal plant, is coming home to Africa – What does that mean for forests?
Western and Central Africa have been cultivating oil palm for millennia, though the big money is flowing into Indonesia and Malaysia, which produce more than 80% of the world’s palm oil supply. Now Indonesian and Malaysian palm oil companies are expanding into African regions, and environmentalists are worried that could accelerate deforestation.
Read MoreCOMMENT: Paris goals can only be achieved in time with robust bottom-up action
Despite the scientific evidence, there are still nations that are either not convinced of the need to reduce emissions, or are unwilling to do so. But real demand for change is growing at ground level. Consumers around the world are paying greater attention to the environment and the climate, and making changes to their own lifestyles. They are also starting to ask uncomfortable questions of the businesses that supply them.
Read MoreBOOK – Designing Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon Energy
Designing Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon Energy combines the latest research and analysis on low-carbon energy solutions from electric vehicles to renewable energy. It is the first book to identify which specific policies, applied to the top 20 most-emitting countries, can have the largest potential impact to reduce emissions enough for a 50% chance of keeping global warming to a safe level.
Read MoreANNOUNCEMENT: UK to exit EU ETS under ‘no deal’ Brexit, says govt
The UK will be excluded from participating in the EU ETS under a ‘no deal’ Brexit scenario, the government announced late on Friday.
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