Ocean CDR could remove millions of tonnes of CO2 in Germany, but challenges remain -report

Published 14:32 on February 14, 2025  /  Last updated at 14:32 on February 14, 2025  / /  EMEA, Nature-based, Voluntary

Germany could remove millions of tonnes of CO2 annually through ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) methods, although challenges remain regarding measurement and environmental risks, according to a new report.

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BRIEFING: Carbon capture is a public good, needs policies to drive growth -experts

Published 14:10 on February 14, 2025  /  Last updated at 14:10 on February 14, 2025  / /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, EMEA, International, US

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is vital to reach net zero emissions, but projects need to be driven by climate policies to prevent the technology from being used as an excuse to keep fossil fuels alive, experts said.

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China’s HFC emissions surge, threaten climate targets, says study

Published 13:48 on February 14, 2025  /  Last updated at 13:48 on February 14, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, China, EMEA

China’s emissions from greenhouse gases used in cooling and refrigeration have skyrocketed since 2005, and now equal emissions from more than 500 natural gas-fired power plants in a single year, according to a new research.

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Biodiversity leakage widely overlooked in nature protection strategies, study says

Published 13:36 on February 14, 2025  /  Last updated at 13:36 on February 14, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, Biodiversity, EMEA

Conservation and restoration strategies worldwide largely overlook the risk of biodiversity leakage, which could undermine global efforts to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030, according to a paper released on Thursday.

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INTERVIEW: Truckmakers defend ETS2 in face of political qualms

Published 11:22 on February 14, 2025  /  Last updated at 11:22 on February 14, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

Europe’s truck manufacturers have stepped forward to defend the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme for road transport and heating fuels (ETS2), saying a carbon price is the “cornerstone” of the transition to clean mobility, while acknowledging that social concerns also need to be addressed.

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Global electricity demand to rise nearly 4% annually through 2027, as CO2 emissions stabilise -report

Published 06:00 on February 14, 2025  /  Last updated at 17:01 on February 13, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, China, EMEA, International, US

Global electricity demand is set to grow at close to an average of 4% annually through 2027, while CO2 emissions from power generation are expected to plateau, according to a report released Friday.

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EU energy security strategy outdated, ETS-backed ‘electrification bank’ needed -study

Published 23:01 on February 13, 2025  /  Last updated at 15:46 on February 12, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS

The EU’s 2014 energy security strategy is no longer fit for purpose due to fundamental supply and demand changes over the past decade, an industry study has found, as it called for a new ETS-funded bank to support electrification.

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Commission delays proposal on CBAM extension to 2026, while eyeing up other tweaks

Published 17:31 on February 13, 2025  /  Last updated at 17:31 on February 13, 2025  / /  Carbon Taxes, CBAM, EMEA, EU ETS

The European Commission will delay its proposal for extending the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to other sectors and downstream products by a year, to 2026, according to a senior official — although it is looking at other potential tweaks to the policy.

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RWE posts 8% drop in lignite-fired generation in 2024

Published 16:03 on February 13, 2025  /  Last updated at 16:03 on February 13, 2025  / /  EMEA, EU ETS, UK ETS

RWE, historically the largest emitter in the EU ETS, posted a 8% annual drop in EU lignite-fired power generation in 2024, in preliminary full-year figures published on Thursday.

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Verra activates CDM methodology for renewable energy generation

Published 16:01 on February 13, 2025  /  Last updated at 16:07 on February 13, 2025  / /  Americas, Asia Pacific, EMEA, International, Voluntary

Verra is activating a CDM methodology for renewable energy generation to be used in its Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) programme.

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