Voluntary market data from EEM for Mar. 24, 2016

Published 10:49 on March 24, 2016  /  Last updated at 10:45 on April 1, 2016  /  Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, EMEA, International, Middle East, Other APAC, South & Central, Voluntary

A table of Verified Emission Reduction (VER) prices and offered volumes, provided by European Environmental Markets (EEM) and based on voluntary market data from Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX).

Below is a table of Verified Emission Reduction (VER) prices and offered volumes, provided by European Environmental Markets (EEM) and based on voluntary market data from Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX).

Figures include the number on offer, average offer price (with weekly % change), volume-weighted average offer price (with weekly % change), lowest and highest offered prices. All figures in euros (€) and include CTX transaction fees.

Gold Standard 793,485 2.37 -0.1% 2.44 -1.4% 0.74 8.57
VCS 2,112,810 1.41 -2.0% 0.63 -0.7% 0.25 9.02
ACR 54,627 2.34 -8.2%* 1.78 -76.4%* 0.67 9.02
CAR 39,419 0.83 0.7% 0.83 0.7% 0.83 0.83
Forestry 174,814 5.43 -2.0%* 5.44 -25.6%* 1.72 9.02
RE 1,841,520 1.25 0.9% 0.61 0.3% 0.25 5.14
Cookstove/EE 330,275 3.32 -0.5% 3.08 -2.8% 0.74 8.57
Waste 653,732 1.04 0.6% 0.48 0.5% 0.29 1.44
Africa 132,021 4.51 0.1% 5.03 -0.1% 3.61 7.40
Oceania 32,000 9.02 0.7% 9.02 0.7% 9.02 9.02
Lat.America 184,841 3.85 -3.9% 3.37 -5.4% 0.43 8.57
Europe 19,108 1.86 -0.3% 1.90 -0.3% 1.01 2.88
N.America 79,046 2.46 -12.2%* 1.28 -80.3%* 0.67 9.02
Asia 2,553,325 1.45 0.9% 0.66 0.4% 0.25 3.83


*Drop in prices for ACR, forestry, and North American VERs due to a sizeable delisting of credits over the past week, according to EEM.

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